If you are currently expecting a new baby, or even if you already have an infant, you may be pondering how you will best meet their nutritional needs throughout their early years of life. Many new moms plan to breastfeed, while others wish to formula feed. Some feel it is best to make that decision according to whatever feels right once the baby is born, or reassess as they navigate that very first year. No matter what route you personally choose to take, rest assured that a fed baby is best…regardless of the means you use to achieve that!
If you choose to formula feed from the get-go, there are so many great choices that closely mimic human breastmilk. If this is a route you are wanting to embrace, here is a post to help you get started: Commonly Asked Questions About Our Infant Formulas - Organicbabyfood.shop
If you find yourself already breastfeeding, yet facing common struggles such as pain, discomfort, anxiety, stress, or any other feeding related triggers that cause you to prefer switching to formula feeding, you are not alone. Perhaps it is the feeding itself that is overwhelming. You may have a baby that struggles to latch, or you may struggle to produce enough milk. Maybe it is the pumping, constantly living your life in two to three hours to be available for feedings, or the combination of it all that has you feeling like you need a change. Breastfeeding can feel like a full-time job, in addition to caring for your little one. This is no small feat! Recognize that your feelings are valid, and there are other options if you are physically, mentally, or emotionally struggling with breastfeeding. There is no “one size fits all” solution to feeding struggles, as each new mama’s journey is solely her own. The key to success is finding the feeding option that best suits your family!
Oftentimes, when you go to your baby’s checkups throughout the first year, their doctor will inquire about how feeding is going. This is a great time to be honest and share any struggles, concerns, questions or wishes for change. Your baby’s care provider can be a great point of support for this, along with your own midwife or OB. While many professionals in the health care field do promote breastfeeding first, know that it is ok if it is not working for you, and they will help you to find a solution that works for your situation.
Ensuring a happy and healthy Mama is the very best way to be sure your baby is well cared for. Feelings of guilt surrounding feeding is not uncommon and wherever you are in your feeding journey, we encourage you to be gentle with yourself. We hope you will make some extra room for grace in your days as you navigate life with a little one. For more on how to prioritize you own well-being in motherhood, check out these posts below:
Three ways to practice self-care in Motherhood
Wishing you support and encouragement as you decipher the feeding route that is best for you!