Sometimes the external boxes are cosmetically damaged in transit - the inner pouch remains sealed and safe to consume. Rather than discard perfectly great formula, we offer it when available at a discounted price.
*¹ 100g infant milk powder is made from 175 ml skimmed milk
*² From sustainable farming
*³ Contains DHA (Omega-3, required by law for infant formula).
Lebenswert Stage 1 Organic Formula Preparation
Make sure all items are clean and sterilized before preparing formula. Boil water and pour it into a sterilized bottle. Let it cool down to between 104 and 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
Add formula according to recommendation on the box, 1oz. water to 1 scoop of formula powder. For proper measurement and nutrition of your baby, use the scoop included with the formula. Each scoop should be filled flat!
Close the bottle tightly and shake until everything is dissolved.To prevent burns, try the liquid formula to make sure it is not too hot for your little one.
Always store formula in a cool, dry place and keep airtight. Use within two weeks. Use all formula powder by the expiration date on the box and toss any unused formula.