As we are getting ready to move into a brand-new year, we would like to take a moment to focus on you, Mama! The vocation of motherhood is full of serving those around you and while it is such a joy to care for your loved ones, it is so important to care for yourself, too. You truly can’t pour from an empty cup and by taking time to care for yourself, it will enable you to better meet the needs of your family. Whether you have just a little time or a lot of time to devote to self-care, here are a few ideas to help you fill your cup this coming year!
While your days likely start early and keep you busy, we encourage you to find just 15 minutes per day that is set aside as a non-negotiable “you time”. This could look differently depending on your schedule, but setting aside this time block can allow you to do something that is just for you, every single day. By waking up a little earlier than your children, setting a regular quiet time for them each afternoon or asking your partner to cover part of the evening routine so you can squeeze in this time block, you can count on a mini refresh each and every day! How you fill that time is up to you. You could choose to read, put on some makeup or listen to a podcast. Whatever brings your soul some rest…fill your block of time with exactly that! This is a great way to encourage a positive mindset on the daily.
While it can be tricky for a mother to go out to do something without her children, especially if you do not have access to childcare or family nearby, do try to find some time to get out of the house all on your own. The frequency in which you do this is totally up to you and very well may depend upon your current season of motherhood. Whether this is possible weekly, monthly or every few months is something you have to decide! However, having a regular time you can count on to leave the house and do something especially for you can be a huge reset. If you have a mom friend that might hope to do the same, perhaps you can offer to watch her little one(s) while she gets out for a bit and then have her return the favor for you. During that time away, you could simply go for a walk around a nearby park or sit in a quiet coffee shop. Maybe you enjoy shopping all on your own or treating yourself to a pedicure! Just a short time away from your mothering duties can help you to return rested and ready to jump right back in!
Mothering is a big job! Most Mamas spend their days tending to the needs of those around them in some way. From caring for little ones to preparing meals, washing dishes, doing laundry and keeping up with errands all while working in or out of the home…at times it can feel that there is just not much time left over for you! That is why it is vital for a Mama to prioritize her health. Just as you care for your loved ones, be sure you do the same for you. Making a nutritious meal for your family? Be sure to sit down and enjoy a serving, too! Keep a water bottle filled and by your side through the day to ensure you stay hydrated. Get some sunshine and move your body, too! Whether you buckle your cuties into the stroller and head out for a walk or just sit on your porch to soak up the sun while they nap, prioritize caring for yourself in the same way you care for others as your own health is so very important!
Interested in reading more about the topic of caring for you?! Checkout these related posts for more on setting aside adult time, focusing on your own nutrition and general tips on all things Motherhood:
Five Tips for Finding a Date Night Sitter -
Nutrition Ideas during Pregnancy and Postpartum -
Top Tips for a New Mama -
Now, take some time to reflect on the past year. Do you feel that your own needs were regularly met or are there some ways you can implement a new self-care schedule in the coming year? Let us know how you recharge below!
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