Caring For Your Baby With Colic

Caring For Your Baby With Colic

October 30, 2023

Are you a parent who finds yourself wondering why your sweet baby is crying and seems hard to soothe? While all babies cry and it is totally normal for them to do so, perhaps you are facing something more intense: colic.
First off, let’s chat about how to identify colic. If your baby is spending three or more hours crying in one day, multiple times per week, for about three weeks in a row, it is likely that colic is what you are dealing with. Symptoms that often accompany that hard to soothe crying include arching of their back, clenched fists and otherwise apparent physical discomfort. If you have tried all you can think of to soothe them, yet they are still inconsolable, don’t lose hope.

Caring for baby with colic
Some possible reasons colic can happen in babies can range from the fact that young babies have an immature digestive tract, they could be having an allergic reaction to their milk or perhaps it could be overstimulation to blame. While it can be tough to pinpoint the exact cause behind colic, recognize that it is sometimes just a part of having an infant and eventually, these intense crying episodes will end. Until then, here are some natural tips to try to help calm your little one down and bring them lots of comfort.


1. Adjust Their Diet

If you are nursing, keep a diary of the foods and drinks you are consuming and take note of how those foods may or may not affect the crying episodes after a nursing session. Try to find any correlations between foods that could be triggering the crying, and eliminate anything that may seem to be a culprit.

If you are feeding formula, try offering a different brand or offer some supplements. All of our European organic formulas offer your little one the nourishment they need, with none of the additives they don’t. LebenswertHolle, and HiPP formulas offer top quality nourishment while eliminating many common symptoms that your baby may experience, including constipation, gas, reflux, and colic. Here are two specific options that are specially formulated for babies with sensitive tummies and colic, along with reviews by parents who noticed a difference upon giving them a try!

HiPP Special Comfort Colic Support:
This supplement is formulated especially for babies with colic by softening their stool and it is extra gentle on little tummies to help aid in proper digestion. Please note that this supplement does have a reduced lactose content and it should not be used as a primary source of formula. After trying this product, one parent shared: 

HiPP Comfort Colic Support Organic Baby Food Shop Review

Want to give it a try?! You can find this product right here:

If you are seeking to try a different formula altogether, these hypoallergenic options are a great choice. With all of the necessary nutrients your growing baby needs, without the common allergens that may be upsetting their tummy, HiPP Hypoallergenic Formulas are easy to digest and offer three different options based on your baby’s current developmental stage. After giving HiPP HA Combiotic Stage 1 Formula a try, one parent shared:

HiPP HA Stage 1

You can browse these formulas right in here:

 Natural Remedies For Babies With Colic

2. Try Natural Remedies Between Feedings

If you have tried to pinpoint any triggers that could be causing the colic, yet still are struggling with some of the symptoms, here are some additional tips and tricks.

Bouncing on a yoga ball with baby: To do this, simply inflate a yoga ball, hold the baby in a position that seems most comfortable for them, and bounce gently. This kind of movement can offer some relief from the discomfort they may be feeling. If you get tired of bouncing, you can continue to replicate this kind of movement by rocking baby in a rocking chair or by using a baby swing.

Babywearing: While there are so many developmental benefits to babywearing, keeping your baby close while they are going through colic can help immensely. Using your preferred carrier or sling, wear them around the house or head outside to walk around the yard. Babywearing allows them to seek the close comfort they need, while freeing up your arms to accomplish things you may want to do.

Get some fresh air: Caring for a baby with colic is tough. Heading outside for some fresh air is a perfect way to care for the both of you! Fresh air can help them to feel better, while offering you some new scenery and respite as well.

Use a sound machine: This can be especially helpful if you suspect that your baby is feeling overstimulated. Often when they show signs of physical discomfort, using a sound machine may help calm their nervous system. You can use this anytime you need to, but try it while holding them close in a rocking chair and anytime you set them down.

Swaddling: This can aid in helping your little one to feel calm and settled. This too can be helpful while holding them or when you need to set them down.   

Chiropractor: Having your baby adjusted by a chiropractor can also aid in easing their discomfort. Make an appointment to give this a try and take note of any additional tips and tricks that they can provide in this area.

 All Things Colic: What It is, Why It Happens, How To Move Through It

3. Take Time Out for Yourself

While we noted above that caring for a baby with colic is tough, be sure to intentionally practice some down time for your own well-being. Switch off with your partner when possible so that you can head out on a solo walk, take a warm bath, get in a workout or spend some time reading. While we know it can be difficult to be away from the baby during this time, even just setting aside twenty to thirty minutes for yourself can do wonders in helping you to feel well rested. When you feel your best, you can best care for your baby!

Colicky Baby

    Interested in more on this and related topics?! Be sure to read through these posts below!
    How To Navigate Your Baby’s Milk Protein Allergy
    Signs That Your Baby Is On The Right Formula
    Food Allergy Prevention
    Three Ways to Practice Self-Care in Motherhood

    Lastly, know that with every purchase you make on our website, you are helping to support our donation program. You can learn more about our projects, including our donations to Children Incorporated, where efforts are made to better the lives of children around the world through access to necessities like food, clothing, healthcare, school supplies, youth gardening programs, and more. You can read all about this and other efforts at

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