If you are currently in the phase of parenting a fussy baby, chances are you are looking for ways to comfort them, while eliminating possible triggers. We recently shared a post all about ways to address caring for a baby with colic, which can be identified when fussiness seems to go a little bit further. If you are interested in viewing that post, you can do so here: Caring For Your Baby With Colic
If you are fairly certain that you are not facing a colic situation, but you are experiencing an otherwise fussy baby, we know that it can be tough to find just the thing that soothes your little one. Today we are going to share five tips that can help to calm your crying baby by mimicking the comforts they grew to know and love while developing in the womb. Just about all of these techniques can be implemented easily with staple items you likely have in your baby’s nursery, coupled with your natural parental instincts.
First things first, do your best to identify possible triggers that are upsetting your baby. Needs such as hunger, tiredness or a dirty diaper are all among common culprits. Other reasons that may be causing your baby to be fussy could be trapped gas or reflux, feeling too warm or too cold, or simply the need to be close to their parents. Once you have identified the trigger, you can likely fix the situation accordingly by feeding a hungry baby, changing the dirty diaper or soothing a sleepy baby to sleep. If you have done this yet are still struggling with the fussiness, here are five tips to try!
1. Swaddle
Babies are used to being in close quarters while in the womb, so recreating this type of feeling can help when attempting to comfort them outside of the womb. Using a blanket or your favorite swaddle, cozy them up and hold them close. Not only does swaddling help recreate that close knit feeling, but it also helps to eliminate that very natural newborn startle reflex, which can cause them to cry even more by rousing them from an otherwise resting state.

2. Try Side Lying & Changing Stomach Positions
This next tip is helpful specifically if you suspect that your little one is experiencing tummy pains from digestive issues or trapped gas. Try lying them on their side while in your arms, holding them up over your shoulder or laying them on your chest while you lay flat on your back. All of these positions can gently place pressure on tummy discomforts, which can move possible trapped gas along or help alleviate other pressures. You can take this tip a step further by laying them on their backs and gently moving their legs in rhythmic motion that mimics bicycling a bike. This too is a great way to address tummy aches and gas pains.

3. Recreate Familiar Womb Sounds
Life while in the womb is noisy! Babies are not used to total silence, as they can hear Mama’s heartbeat and digestion noises while they are developing within her. Once a baby is born, hearing similar sounds can help to calm them. This can be achieved by making a “shhh” sound while you gently rock them, or by using a sound machine. Aim to create a form of white noise to closely mirror the sounds they were accustomed to hearing while they developed.
4. Embrace Movement
Try using a yoga ball to gently bounce on while holding your baby, rock them in a rocking chair, push them in a stroller or carry them up and down the hallway as a way to create movement. This technique can calm their nervous system and promote rest, all while ending fussiness. If your arms begin to tire, try wearing them in a baby sling or carrier as you move around the house. If your baby is uncomfortable due to trapped air or reflux, moving around with them in these ways while holding them upright can bring them much relief.

5. Encourage Sucking Reflexes
Babies naturally find comfort in sucking. Offering them a way to practice this can help distract them from crying, while comforting them at the same time. You can do this by offering them the breast or bottle, by using a pacifier or if you are comfortable, allow them to use your finger.
If you have tried these tips but are still struggling, be sure to assess if there is something they are consuming that could be contributing to the crying. If you suspect that the issues are stemming from food triggers, adjust your breastfeeding diet, or consider giving this hypoallergenic formula a try: HiPP Combiotic Hypoallergenic Formula | Best Formula for Milk Allergy - Organicbabyfood.shop.
If you do give that formula a try and your baby’s symptoms improve, consider sharing this formula with others through our Affiliate Program. Not only is sharing our organic formula through the Affiliate Program a great way to help other parents who could be experiencing the same troubles, but you can earn some income from it, too! Find more details about this program through the link right here: Affiliates Program - Earn extra money with us - Organicbabyfood.shop
How To Navigate Your Baby’s Milk Protein Allergy
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HiPP Organic Baby Formula with Probiotics | Probiotic Formula - Organicbabyfood.shop
Have any of these tips helped to soothe your little one? If so, let us know by leaving a comment below! Wishing you all happy baby snuggles!