September 27, 2018
Nutrition, besides love, is one of the most important things your baby will need to grow into a healthy happy little person. Breast milk naturally already contains absolutely everything your baby needs, but when it comes to formula feeding, not every brand is the same.
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September 26, 2018
Watching your baby grow is one of the many joys of being a parent. Though personally, we would love to keep our little ones as babies as long as possible, watching them develop into little people amazes us on a daily basis.
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September 24, 2018
Bringing your baby home for the first time is a life-changing experience and you will need some time to adapt. Let us walk you through the first 24 hours and everything that is normal and what to expect.
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September 23, 2018
Has your baby got the sniffles? Before jumping to over the counter medications, try our organic homemade remedies first, your baby’s health will thank you for it!
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September 17, 2018
The date is getting closer, so is the excitement, only a few days or weeks left until giving birth... An important item you should have ready by now is your hospital bag.
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September 14, 2018
Here is our survival guide for new moms. As we can't squeeze everything you need to know in one single post, we have decided to write a series and create a guide for the different stages after giving birth. Here is the first: "While you are still at the hospital".
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September 12, 2018
Congratulations, you have just found out you are pregnant. This is no doubt one of the most magical moments in your life. Maybe the news came as a surprise, or maybe you have been trying for some time, either way, you are about to go on a magical ride.
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September 03, 2018
We have been all about the Mommies lately on our blog, but of course, the Daddy of the family is just as important. Not only does he help care for the baby, he also supports his partner during pregnancy and after. And while the only thing a Daddy can't really do is breastfeed, being a father is just as an important role as being a mother
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August 23, 2018
Children cannot live of mere air and love. They need water and food. In the beginning, of course, breastmilk is the best, but when you are at the point that you need or want to switch to formula, we recommend choosing organic baby formula. Why? Because this is the only way to provide your baby the most natural nutrition you can find. The benefits of organic baby formula are numerous.
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August 14, 2018
Let's face it, most of us don't even have the time to get enough sleep nevermind the time to actually go to the gym. To stay active is critical for a healthy body and mind, so today we would like to share with you some fun activities that you can do with your baby or toddler to stay active and fit.
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August 14, 2018
For some reason, talking about the changes in your body after giving birth seems to be a taboo topic still, and there is no reason for it to be so. After your body has performed the miracle of giving life there will be a lot of changes in your body that will not be too pleasant. The good news is, everything will fall back into place eventually.
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August 10, 2018
While regular ab workouts only include 3-4 % of the core muscle fibers, this method engages 75-80% of them. Hypopressive exercise is carried out during expiratory apnoea and postural positions that facilitate the diaphragm is postural traction.
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