natural cold remedies baby

Natural Cold Remedies for your baby

September 23, 2018

With autumn sneaking up on us, so is the cold and cough season. While there are great natural ways and organic baby formulas that can help boost your little one's immune system, catching a cold, sniffles or a cough during this colder season is almost inevitable.

Has your baby got the sniffles? Before jumping to over the counter medications, try our organic homemade remedies first, your baby’s health will thank you for it!


How to prevent a cold is just as, or even more, important than curing one! We won't lie to you, it is almost impossible to keep your baby safe from each and every virus out there, but there are many that you can dodge by simply:

1) Making sure your baby gets enough sleep!

Ideally, babies need up to 18 hours of sleep for a healthy fighting immune system. Toddlers and Preschoolers need a good 12 to 14 hours. Not getting enough sleep can make the immune system sluggish, so make sure your pride and joy gets enough sleep to stay healthy.

2) Keeping those little hands clean!

Almost 80% of infectious diseases, including a common cold, can spread through the hands, that is why washing your little one's hands often can help to prevent many viruses. We are not too keen on chemical filled hand soap, which can end up doing more bad than good. Thankfully there are many great organic hand soaps available, try to keep it as natural as possible.

3) Keep a clean environment

While in the cold season, or if someone close to your family has a cold, it is also important to keep a clean environment. Make sure to keep your house disinfected and clean. To do so avoid all chemical and toxin house cleaning products, to make your own check out our article.

4) Boosting the immune system.

If your baby is old enough, try adding an extra piece of citric fruit or two to their diet. Citric fruits such as Oranges are packed with vitamin C and will help to build a strong immune system.

If all of the above prevention methods fail, and your baby does end up a little under the weather there are some great homemade remedies and practices that will make your baby smile again in no time.

Natural Cold Remedies for your baby

If your baby has the sniffles...

1) Nurse!

If your baby seems to be coming down with something, the best cure will be your breast milk as is it is full of powerful chemicals called antibodies. If a breastfeeding mommy is exposed to a virus, her body naturally produces specific antibodies to this virus which is passed through the milk. We know, amazing right? If you can’t breastfeed, make sure to feed your baby an organic formula that is as closest to breast milk as possible, like for example Lebenswert.

2) Babywearing!

Wear your baby in an upright position; this will help clear up the congestion as also helps with breathing. Experts say that babywearing can also prevent your baby from getting an ear infection, which is a common complication from a cold.

3) Liquids

Make sure your little one gets enough fluids! Fluids are essential for your baby to fight off the cold. Try warm chamomile for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Or warm breast milk or baby formula.  If your baby is old enough you can add lemon and honey. Take a look at our baby food chart here.

4) Unblock that nose!

We can all agree that one of the most annoying things that come with a cold is a blocked nose. Thankfully we can blow our nose and get some relief. Babies are not that lucky until 2 years of age, so make sure you help your little one out. You can use an aspirator for this, or make your homemade salt water mist bottle, that you can gently apply inside the babies’ nostrils.  

5) Boost the immune system with Vitamin D

It's found naturally in sunlight. Make sure your baby gets enough Vitamin D exposing it for a few minutes to the sun, obviously with the right protection. Probiotics are also a great ally for the immune system.

6) The magic of herbs 

Homeopathy is very effective when fighting bugs, but with none of the nasty side effects that over the counter medicine can cause. Speak to your local health store or pharmacy.

7) Sleep!

Sleeping is the absolute best medicine. Let your baby sleep as long as it needs. When sleeping, make sure you raise the bed a little bit to help your baby breathe.

What are your natural home remedies to fight of a nasty cold?

Please remember that home remedies are a great alternative to over the counter meds, but if your baby is suffering from severe fever or you suspect him or her to have more than a little cold, it is always advised to seek your pediatrician’s advice.

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