With small children in your home, experiencing an array of colds is nearly impossible to escape in the early childhood years. You may feel that your baby or toddler is always experiencing some type of cold symptom, and perhaps you feel that way about yourself, too. Today we are going to share some tips to help naturally boost your immune system through a healthy family lifestyle!
Oftentimes, the struggles young families face in regards to lack of sleep, limited time for exercise and difficulty keeping up with healthy cooking in this season of parenting directly impacts your body’s natural ability to fight illnesses. All these factors contribute to lowering your body’s immunity and increasing chances of catching common cold symptoms. To address these struggles head on, check out our tips below:
When it comes to sleep, or lack thereof, we know firsthand how much it can affect your ability to function day to day. Overtime, sleep loss can negatively affect your immune system, making you more susceptible to catching common illnesses. While common night wakings are often to be expected with little ones, causing a disruption of sleep for all, setting aside “quiet time” each day can help to give all your bodies a much-needed reset. Aim to leave about forty-five minutes to an hour of unscheduled time on your schedule each day, separately from baby’s nap time if possible!
While you can possibly use baby’s nap time to catch up on a quick nap yourself, set aside “quiet time” to snuggle up and rest together, too! If you have a baby, cozy up on the couch under a blanket and look at a book or lay in a hammock outdoors in the shade. If you have preschool aged children or older, have them find a good book or puzzle to enjoy in the comfort of their bed or under a shady tree. You all just might drift off to catch up on sleep, but even if not, your body will at least have the chance to regain some strength from stillness, which will help to boost your overall health. Be mindful of scheduling down time on weekends and around holidays, too. Day to day lives with small children can feel very busy at times, so be sure to schedule in some time to allow your body to just be still.
Finding the time to get to the gym or head out for a run can be tricky when balancing the schedules of your little ones. Moving your body each and every day however is so important for your body’s overall health, and getting outside while moving is even better! Fresh air, sunlight and exercise is a great, natural way to boost your body’s immune system. Making space for this each day will help your whole family to stay healthy and strong. We suggest strapping your littlest one(s) into a stroller, putting bigger kids on bikes or scooters, putting a leash on the dog, and heading out to your favorite walking trail! This is a great way to cultivate a family culture of enjoying exercise together. Making space in your day for exercise will certainly help boost everyone’s moods and immunities.
Healthy Food
While you likely put a whole lot of time and thought into your baby’s feeding schedule, taking time to nourish yourself is just as important. We know you likely do not have an excessive amount of time on your hands to cook and prepare food, but just a little bit of planning can go a long way. The benefits of eating whole, healthy foods are endless for your body, energy, and immune health. When you are running on empty from a long sleepless night with a baby however, you may feel tempted to grab a sugary treat or a processed snack. In doing so, you will be setting yourself up for a big energy crash and very little nutritional gain. You can combat this issue though each time you shop for groceries. When shopping or placing a grocery order, be sure you add plenty of ready to eat items to your list. Your goal is to make healthy eating feel like a convenience. Carrot sticks with hummus that you can just open and enjoy, apples with a little peanut butter on the side, cubed cheese with grapes and almonds. These are all snacks that offer a boost of natural energy and a punch of healthy nutrients. For meals, set aside some time to plan out meals weekly or monthly. Be sure to drink plenty of water, too. If finding the time to meal plan is tricky, search online for pre-made plans. Having a plan of meals ahead of time and shopping for the ingredients so you have them on hand is a great way to set yourself up for success when it comes to healthy eating. Prioritize your own nutritional health in the same way you do for your little one(s). Not only will it help you feel energized, but having plenty of nutrients in your body will help it to fight off any illnesses that may come your way.
Lastly, as your baby or toddler is growing, ensuring they are receiving the proper nutrition is one of the best ways you can help them to develop a strong immune system. Our organic formulas offer the very best in nutrients and you can browse them here: Best European Organic Baby Formula (organicbabyfood.shop)
Be sure to also read up on our post featuring All You Need to Know About Prebiotics & Probiotics for Baby - Organicbabyfood.shop.
What are some ways that help your family to stay healthy? Share your own tips with us by leaving a comment below!