As parents, we are always striving to provide our little ones with the very best nourishment that we can. During pregnancy, mothers are encouraged to eat a well balanced diet and when our babies are born, we offer breastmilk or organic formula that is closely aligned to mother's milk. This focus on healthy nourishment continues as the baby begins to eat solids and through the years beyond babyhood as well! Ensuring proper nutrition throughout all stages is of utmost importance for your baby's growth and development. Studies have shown that as a part of a healthy diet, there are many health benefits to be had by ensuring enough prebiotics and probiotics are consumed by babies and adults alike. We are going to dive into this topic to uncover the difference between prebiotics and probiotics, as well as how to be sure they are included in your little one's diet!

As we begin, let's talk about the difference between prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics work as nourishment for naturally occuring gut bacteria in the human body, while probiotics provide our body with additional healthy bacteria. In both a mother and a baby's body, there is naturally occuring healthy bacteria that ensure gut health, which contributes to overall bodily health and allows our systems to operate the ways they should.
Overall benefits from a healthy gut for babies and adults include, but are not limited to, a strong immune system, better digestion and absorption of nutrients, reduced chances of colic and gas, improved skin, better metabolism and weight management, improved mood and restful sleep. When our guts are balanced, our bodies surely reap the benefits! This works as a cycle and by striving to give your baby a healthy gut from the start, their bodies will naturally continue to do the work they should to keep them healthy as they grow.

Now, how can we be sure that we are including enough prebiotics and probiotics in our baby's diet? Start during pregnancy, if possible! Foods such as yogurt, kefir drinks, bananas, kombucha, miso, onions, artichokes, buttermilk and fermented foods such as pickles, sauerkraut and tempeh help ensure a mother is getting adequate prebiotics and probiotics to benefit her gut health. These all benefit her growing baby! Once a baby is born, breastmilk will naturally pass on these healthy benefits to your little one. If you are offering formula, the organic options below contain both prebiotics and probiotics:
- This formula offers your baby plenty of nutrients, right from the start:
collections/hipp-combiotic- german-formula
- This option is great for little ones with a sensitivity to lactose and milk protein allergies:
collections/hipp- hypoallergenic-formula
- This Goat Milk Formula is offered in various stages to target developmental needs: HiPP Goat Formulas Pre,2,3:
collections/goat-milk/ products/hipp-goat-milk-stage- pre

How are you ensuring better gut health for yourself and your little one(s)? If you have any tips or have tried the options above, let us know below!