When can babies have whole milk and dairy products?

Was there a time before hot milk with honey and vanilla pudding with strawberries? My belly says no, but my mind knows better. Whether ice cream, tiramisu, cheese macaroni or tacos - dairy products make almost every food brighter and they accompany us almost our whole life.  Well, almost all of our lives.

In this article we want to share with you when it is safe to start adding dairy products to a baby’s diet.

If your baby is under 12 months old, breast milk or infant formula such as Lebenswert  should be its main source of food. Whole milk as breast milk replacement harms babies’ health and development. There are 3 reasons for that:

  • First, there is the risk of an Iron Deficient Anemia. In the consumption of cow milk, your baby is at risk of suffering from iron deficiency, as it hinders the absorption of iron in the body.
  • Second, it does not contain nearly all the nutrients of breast milk and formula. Cow’s Milk does not have sufficient essential fatty acids and Vitamin E that are so very important for their growth and development of your baby.
  • Third, cow milk is overcharging your baby’s kidneys and metabolism. The protein and sodium concentration is just too high and very hard to handle. Kidney failure and high blood pressure can occur.

Step by step, after one year, the digestive system of your baby is developing and can handle more complex food. Here is a summary of what you can feed your baby slowly in little quantities and when.

Yogurt - as early as  6 months

Yogurt is easier to digest than plain whole cow milk, as the milk proteins are removed or limited. The fatty acids,  calcium, and other nutrients in yogurt are actually good for your baby. Yogurt contains live bacteria which help the digestive system and the immune system to work properly.

Don't limit your creativity. Yogurt tastes delicious with almost all kind of fruitsalthough for us,  yogurt with banana is always a winner.

You can introduce yogurt earliest at 6 months, for some babies even with 8 months, depending on their propensity to allergies. Ask your pediatrician to be sure.

Baked and cooked goods - starting at  7 or 8 months

Baking or cooking milk breaks the proteins down, which is important. If you use milk in something you bake or cook, wait until your baby is 7 or 8 months, before you feed it to him. Bake your baby's first muffins with berries or almonds to create unforgettable childhood memories!

Cheese - not earlier than 8 months

Cheese is super calcium source and has many healthy nutrients such as vitamin D. But some cheeses are heavier to digest than others. Cheese that has not been pasteurized can even contain the dangerous listeria bacteria. To stay on the safe side, definitely avoid Brie, Feta, Camembert, Roquefort, Blue Cheese. Choose a lighter version to start introducing your baby to cheese, such as Cheddar, Ricotta or Colby. And remember: don't introduce cheese to your baby before it is 8 months.

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