Differences between Holle, HiPP and Lebenswert Formulas

If you’ve researched organic baby formulas as we did when figuring out what to feed our daughter, you may have come across the names HiPP, Lebenswert, and Holle a few times.

Though not sold directly in the U.S., more and more distributors of these German organic baby formulas have popped up over the last several years. This is due to a growing awareness of the ingredients used in the organic baby formula that’s made in the U.S. — and the harm they can do to a developing baby.

Some of the most common questions we get at the Organic Baby Food Shop are “which formula is the best?” and “What are the differences between these three brands?”

While we chose to feed our little ones Lebenswert, it’s a personal choice for each parent and depends on each baby’s needs. Let's have a look at the three organic formulas — Hipp vs Holle vs Lebenswert — and hopefully make it easier for you to choose one.

Holle & Lebenswert Formulas

Both Holle and Lebenswert formulas are made in Europe and contain only top quality ingredients. (Lebenswert is actually made by Holle.) Holle follows anthroposophical principles, which means that all the ingredients used in Holle and Lebenswert organic formulas come from farms that strictly adhere to biodynamic farming practices. Biodynamic farming sees the earth, soil, animals, and plants as one, and firmly excludes the use of chemicals, antibiotics, hormones, or any other unnatural synthetic additive.

One of the differences between Lebenswert and Holle is maltodextrin, which is a polysaccharide derived from starch. Holle Stage 1, Holle Stage 2, and Holle Stage 3 contain a small amount of maltodextrin, while Holle Pre and Lebenswert Stage 1 do not. Lebenswert Stage 2 and Lebenswert Stage 3 also contain this starch.

One other difference is that Holle Organic Formulas contain a higher percentage of fat — around 5 grams — than the Lebenswert formulas. With this closer look at Holle and Lebenswert formulas, know that they are both among the absolute best formulas in the world and whichever one you choose will be the right choice.

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What about HiPP?

Now that we know a little bit more about Holle and Lebenswert formulas, let's compare them to HiPP.

HiPP is another great brand that was founded by the HiPP family more than 100 years ago — and is still run by them today. Like Holle and Lebenswert formulas, HiPP stands for ecological agriculture and sustainable values. You can read more about HiPP here. HiPP, however, does have traces of aluminum in their formula. These traces are extremely small and, given the high standards of Ecological Agriculture in the EU, there is no proof that they can actually harm a baby. Holle and Lebenswert formulas are aluminum free.

HiPP baby formula also contains LCP oils. Studies have shown that Omega 3 and 6 oils do not influence the development of a growing baby. All three formulas are organic; however, Holle and Lebenswert formulas are also bioynamic, which goes a step further than traditional organic farming.

HiPP offers a wide range of products that contain probiotics as well as a special formula line that addresses specific issues for babies such as anti-reflux formula or Special Comfort (for colic support).

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Here at the Organic Baby Food Shop, we believe that the bottom line is that all of these formulas are great and go far beyond the organic formulas available in the U.S., so whichever you end up choosing, your baby will develop and grow into a happy young child.

Remember, we offer HiPP, Lebenswert, and Holle for the absolute best price available in the U.S. — plus fast shipping (that’s free on orders over $50) from our warehouses in California, New Jersey, Illinois, and Texas. Should you have any questions, we are more than happy to help.

Already feeding your baby with Holle, HiPP, or Lebenswert formula? We’d love to hear how you like it in the comments below!

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