Amidst the current challenges facing all peoples across the world, it’s undeniable that certain communities are most greatly affected not only now, but are generally amongst the most vulnerable when it comes to healthcare access, food security, and physical safety. Organic Baby Food Shop is built upon a desire for families to have access to the best nutritional resources so that their children can grow up strong and flourish. However, this vision reaches beyond providing the highest quality formula. It extends towards ensuring a healthy birth process, ongoing education and empowerment, and a strong sense of community as to secure basic needs for the entire family.
We want our vision to become reality and thus we have always, and continue to, support other organizations and movements that also work towards similar goals. During the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve extended our impact world-wide and partnered with three organizations that focus on improving maternal health in Tanzania, supporting survivors of domestic violence in New York City, and increasing children’s food access across the United States. We’re inspired by each group’s work and are proud to share their invaluable work with the entire OBF Shop community.
In the coming month, we will announce each of our partners through our blog and other social media outlets. We encourage you to learn more about their projects and contribute to their fundraising efforts if you too believe in supporting their vital impact.
One of our most long-standing partners is Children Incorporated. They are engaged in a multitude of efforts across the world including providing food, clothing, healthcare, school supplies, tuition payments, shoes and socks, mosquito nets, income-generating projects, skills training programs, school expansions, medical clinic repairs, housing improvements, etc. During COVID-19, Organic Baby Food Shop is specifically supporting their U.S. Feeding Program, which not only provides food for children while outside of school, but also supports food-sovereignty efforts through youth-gardening programs.
Our engagement with Children Incorporated will not end when COVID-19 does. We are dedicated to contribute to their projects on a monthly basis for the foreseeable future. As we remain resilient in our mission to provide our customers with the best formula their babies need, we want to ensure that the communities served by Children Incorporated will also continue to be supported through a variety of empowerment and basic needs programming.
Since our successful “Baby Friday” collaborations in 2018 and 2019 that redirected $1 of each sale to Children Incorporated, we know that our community can further support them in deeping their work and reaching more children. Please consider joining our movement by sponsoring a child or directing a donation towards a specific initiative.
Stay tuned to learn about our other partnerships and ways you can engage in their efforts in promoting sustainable birth practices and protecting survivors of gender-based violence around the world. This is only the beginning– OBF Shop is driven to empower our global partners to build their own solutions while counting on supporters, such as our community, to propel them towards their full potential.