Should Your Baby Try Cereal in Their Bottle?

If your little one is officially at the stage where they are ready to try solids, you may be wondering if you should begin with the age-old baby cereal in a bottle meal. This typically happens around six months of age and while many pediatricians have recommended it in the past, there are quite a few considerations to this practice present day, and even some healthier alternatives to try instead! Let’s explore whether or not you would like to give your little one baby cereal in their bottles, as well as some other options out there as well.


Why Baby Cereal in a Bottle Was a Popular Practice

For many years, pediatricians recommended giving your baby rice cereal in their bottle as a way to help them get used to a thicker food texture, while filling their bottles and helping them sleep longer. While this practice may help your little one to grow accustomed to a new texture outside of their milk, filling their bellies to get them to sleep longer may not be the best route to take. Babies have a very small belly, and that is because they are made to eat often. They are not meant to stay full for eight hours at a time, so trying to push for that by offering cereal in their bottle may not be the best option. Little ones wake up and fuss when hungry because their stomachs can only hold a small bit of milk at a time and when they feel hungry, they will notify their caregiver through cries. The problem with filling them up with baby cereal in their bottle is that it can lead to overfeeding, which in the end can upset their bellies and cause pain. It can also lead them to feel overindulged and sleepy, much like adults do after eating a very large meal! Additionally, while this may fill their tummies, it offers very little nutritional value at a time where they need to be consuming all the nutrients they can. This is where the consideration as to whether or not to try this comes into play.  


Considerations When It Comes to Baby Cereal Bottles

Baby cereal is typically made to help little ones get used to a thicker texture, yet it tends to lack much nutritional value. Since many popular baby cereals on the market today are fortified and processed, there really isn’t much nourishment being offered by feeding it to your baby. Even if a baby cereal is prepared with organic brown rice, it typically needs to be broken down into very small flakes so that it is easy for the baby to eat, which also offers little nutritional value and it can spike blood sugar levels once consumed. We explained a little bit above about how a baby’s belly is made to only hold a little bit at a time and that they are supposed to eat often! Perhaps just offering breastmilk or formula in their bottle and bonding during those feeding times would be best, while saving solids as a fun mealtime activity to try separately. Lastly, baby cereal tends to be very bland. Offering your baby foods with some flavors are so good for their taste buds and there are plenty of healthy solid food options that can help to achieve this. With these points in mind, it is probably best to stick to just milk in baby’s bottle, while offering up some other healthy solid foods for them to try after drinking their milk.


Healthy Organic Solid Foods to Try Before 1

To start off, if you would like to offer your baby healthy solids in addition to their milk before the age of one, some great options include:

  • fully cooked egg yolks (it is not recommended to give babies egg whites until after one year of age, so it is best to stick to just the yolks before 1)
  • organic fruits and veggies such as avocado, pears, bananas, carrots, peas, green beans, apples, squash, sweet potatoes
  • pureed organic meat


Healthy Organic Foods for Toddlers

Past the age of one and as your baby grows into a toddler, offering them even more texture and varieties of foods is always so much fun! Here are some ideas you could try:

  • scrambled eggs with a side of fresh salsa
  • cut up organic fruit with Greek yogurt
  • cut up organic chicken
  • cucumber
  • roasted potato pieces


Switching to Toddler Milk

As your little one grows more accustomed to new foods and becomes a toddler, there are many organic, European formulas made especially with toddler nutritional needs in mind! Here are a few that you could try:

HiPP Combiotic Stage 3 Formula is perfect for pairing with solid foods. This formula contains LCP Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids to nourish your little one’s brain and nervous system. Meanwhile, it offers plenty of vitamins and minerals to help build a healthy body and strong immune system. This formula can also be mixed with solid foods and purees to add some additional nutrients to mealtimes. It is made for ages 10 months and up.

Another great toddler formula to try is Holle Stage 4 Organic Toddler Formula 1 Year+. This formula is ideal for ages 1-3 years. This formula contains a unique protein balance with all of the added nutrients they need at this stage, and absolutely no yucky additives!

Holle Goat Milk Formula Stage 4 is a great option to try if you are looking for a toddler formula that is easy to digest. It contains all of the nutrients that a growing toddler needs and is derived without the use of cow’s milk, making it gentle on their tummy.


Points to Remember

Before offering your baby solid foods, it is best to consult with their care provider. Additionally, be sure to watch for signs of possible food allergies, especially when introducing new food items they have never tried before.  


Learn More

Here are some more posts on all things related to solid foods as well as toddlerhood:

How Nutritional Needs Change Between 12-24 Months

Quick & Easy Baby Food Recipes

All About HiPP Goat Stage 3 Organic Formula

Food Allergy Prevention -

Baby Led Weaning: What It Is & How To Do It



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