How to clean your house without chemicals

At we have been writing for a while about the importance of avoiding chemicals in your baby food; today we would like to take a step further and share with you some tricks and ideas on how to avoid dangerous toxins in your baby's environment!

We all love a fresh clean house that smells great, but most of the industrially-made cleaning products we use daily are far from healthy. Even in the so-called " organic, all natural" labeled cleaning products, we find ingredients that are worrisome. Can we efficiently get rid of bacteria and other health threats by cleaning our house with self-made cleaning products? We certainly can, and here’s how!

All-Purpose cleaner   

Our favorite all-purpose cleaner is warm water, a small amount of non-toxic dish soap and or a good splash of vinegar. You can literally clean anything with this homemade cleaning formula, cabinets, walls, fridge etc.


The great thing about vinegar is that due to its high acid component it kills bacterias and viruses by chemically changing the proteins and fats which these nasty germs love, and destroying their cell structure. Vinegar and water are also great to clean your windows, leaving them just as shiny as with a toxic window cleaning product. Vinegar can also be used as a fabric softener, simply add half a cup of vinegar to the last washing cycle!



Being a little bit of a cleaning fanatic, there a few things that satisfy me more than having shiny and clean floors that also smell good. Yet again, vinegar and water are what I use to clean all my floors, to make them smell extra fresh I add a few drops of my favorite essential oil to it and voila!, clean shiny floors that smell wonderful. Don't be put off if the floors smell of vinegar while wet, the smell will be gone once dried.



You can efficiently clean sealed wood giving it a polished look by cleaning them with damp cloth and a splash of vinegar and olive oil. Again, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to it for an extra fresh smell.


Baking Soda

Apart from the magic vinegar, another great organic cleaning product is baking soda. Baking soda is also a very effective antiviral agent and a surfactant that eliminates grease and grime.  I use baking soda to scrub the more difficult areas, such as the oven. You can make a baking soda paste by adding a bit of water, whisking it until you have a smooth paste and apply it directly to your oven. Add the paste to any area that needs scrubbing and use a brush or toothbrush to scrub away any dirt.

Sea Salt

To clean a sticky stovetop, I use sea salt and then rinse with water.  By simply mixing some salt into lemon juice you can remove mildew and rust stains in a breeze.


Lemons smell amazing and are also a wonderful cleaning product. I use lemon and warm water to clean the inside of the microwave.  Apart from smelling great, lemons are also very effective for cutting through grease. Squeeze two lemons, add a cup of warm water and you are ready to kill those germs that are found in the kitchen. Lemons are a fantastic natural bleaching agent that will leave your countertops shiny, clean and smelling great.

We hope that these few tips will motivate you to put down those industrially-made cleaning products and clean your house the natural way. The health benefits of doing so are endless for you and your family.

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