The term reflux or gastroesophageal reflux (GOR) is explained by physicians as the return of the gastric contents to the esophagus, or simply put if your baby spits whatever it's swallowing back up. A certain amount of reflux is normal in most babies as their muscular valve, which acts to keep food in the stomach, hasn’t developed properly yet. However, some babies experience strong acids coming up into its esophagus which can be very painful and uncomfortable, this is called gastroesophageal reflux (GOR).
If you fear your baby is suffering from reflux please visit a pediatrician, as it will need medical advice and treatment.
1. Thicken the milk or formula
Sometimes it can help to thicken the formula or milk you are feeding your baby, or try specific formulas that are designed especially for babies with gastroesophageal reflux (GOR).
2. Make sure your baby's head isn't laying completely flat
Another way to ease your babies suffering is to place the pillow in its cradle a little bit higher than usual.
3. Massage your baby
Gently Massage your baby belly rubbing it clockwise along its digestive tract. Try gentle bicycle legs on your baby.
4. Elevate your baby while eating
Don't use your nursing pillow when feeding your baby, it is much better to have it sit up as straight as possible.
5. Hold your baby up after feeding
Make sure not to lay your baby down after feeding, instead try to hold it up straight for at least 30 minutes after eating.
6. Eliminate dairy from your diet if you are a nursing mom
Yes, unfortunately, if you consume dairy, your breastmilk can cause your babies not fully developed digestive system to get irritated. Other products to avoid if you are breastfeeding a baby with reflux can be Gluten, Citrus, nuts, eggs, and soy.
If you are consuming any of the above-mentioned ingredients, try to give them up for a week to see if your baby gets better. If it does, you should stay away from them all together.
7. Special Probiotics
Try a formula that has probiotics, HiPP is a great alternative. Probiotics will help your baby's digestion and the acid reflux symptoms.
We have had great success reducing our babies’ reflux with the above mentioned natural tips and tricks and thankfully medication was not necessary. However in severe cases, there are some medications that can relieve your baby’s discomfort, always talk to your pediatrician before medicating your child in any way.
The good news is, most babies lose the gastroesophageal reflux once their organs are fully developed on their own.
Is your baby suffering from reflux? What has worked for you?
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