Holiday Scheduling Tips for Families with Little Ones

Holiday Scheduling Tips for Families with Little Ones

November 28, 2022

The holiday season is upon us and so many sweet memories are sure to be made! From wrapping up gifts to scheduling holiday get-togethers, there is a plethora of planning that goes into this magical time of the year. Additionally, if you have a baby or young child(ren) to add into the mix, things can get a bit tricky when you are trying to fit in all of the extra activities, on top of maintaining their schedule. Fear not, however, as we have compiled some tips to help you navigate common struggles among families with young children this time of year. Our hope is that these tips assist you in creating a magical yet functional holiday season that is filled with precious moments!

Holiday Scheduling Tips for Families with Little Ones 

1. Plan Accordingly When Scheduling Gatherings

    If this time of year brings about multiple get togethers with loved ones, take some time to think through how that will look with your current phase of life. While spending time with those who mean the most to you is so special, a young family must prioritize and be realistic about how much they can commit to. We recommend you make a list of all of the people you hope to celebrate with this year and then prioritize! Take into consideration the time of the get together (does it affect naptime or bedtime?), along with the location (does it require travel?).

    If you find yourself with loved ones located across the map, perhaps you could agree to visit and attend one gathering this year and then prioritize gathering with the others the following year! While it is never easy to decline an invitation to see loved ones, you just cannot be in more than one place at any given time and it is ok to say “no”, especially if that is what is best for your family in this phase of life. If you do find yourself traveling far from home this year, be sure to check out this post for baby travel tips:

     Tips for Managing Baby’s Schedule During the Holiday Season

    2. Consider Travel Plans

    If you do indeed find yourself traveling away from home for the holidays, be sure to pack essential items to help baby sleep comfortably while on the go. Items such as a portable sound machine, black out curtains and comfort items go a long way in promoting good quality rest in your temporary home away from home. Think about sleeping arrangements for naps and bedtimes and bring along a pack-n-play or be sure one is readily available in your destination if needed. Having enough changes of clothing (that take into account various kinds of weather) along with necessary diapering items are things you will need to plan ahead for. As always, be sure to also pack plenty of feeding supplies and keep in mind that Organic Baby Food Shop can send formula to your travel destination for added convenience!

    Festive & Functional Tips for Navigating the Holidays with Baby 

    3. Make Time to Establish Family Traditions

    In contrast to the busyness this time of year brings, be sure to schedule down time to allow your own family unit the time it needs to build traditions. It could be a tradition of decorating the tree together in your cozy pajamas or spending an evening driving around to see your neighborhood holiday lights. You may decide you want to reserve Christmas morning for your little one to wake up at home and open up gifts in their own house, opposed to loading up and heading out to another celebration. Whatever you decide, know that again, while it is not easy to say no to others, you can rest assured that giving yourself permission to build your own traditions is totally ok this time of year! This also allows for the space to work around your child’s schedule so that you don’t have to compromise on their comfort and routine.

    Festive & Functional Tips for Navigating the Holidays with Young Children 

    4. Plan Age-Appropriate Fun

    Depending on the age of your little one(s), be sure to consider the ways that would be best for them to enjoy the magic of the holidays! If you have toddlers, try adjusting your holiday menu to their palette. Find more on that right here:

    If you have an infant, try to snap a few special photos of them to capture the magic of their first holiday season. Once you have whipped up some tasty treats or gotten a few sweet photos, wrap those items up and send them off to loved ones as a gift to give! It is a total win, all around!

    Holiday Schedule

    5. Gift Give Like A Pro

    We know it takes a whole lot of effort to shop for and wrap up gifts for giving, on top of caring for your family. We want to remind you to be sure to take yourself into account, too! If you are looking to treat yourself or have a friend asking what you might like for Christmas, check out our Organic Baby Food Shop Gift Cards, as they are perfect for gifting to yourself and others:

     Gift Card

    We do hope the tips we have shared assist you in navigating all of the holiday festivities you are presented this year with while sticking to a schedule that works for your family! Will you be traveling this year for the holidays or hanging out at home? Let us know below!

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