Autumn is famous for its colors, but also for great nutritious vegetables and fruits such as pumpkins, beets, oranges and sweet potatoes which are a fantastic base for healthy and yummy homemade baby food recipes.
But Autum also stands for Halloween also known as the candy season! While sugar for us is a big no-no, especially for children under 1 year of age, there are some great Halloween recipes that you can feed your little one that are just as fun but way healthier than your store-bought Halloween themed products. Here are our favorite ones:
The vegetable Skeleton
We love all veggies not only for their amazing health benefits but also because they come in many shapes and sizes that are great to build, for example, a veggies skeleton. You can use any organic vegetables to your liking (or based on what your baby can eat) for example: Organic carrots as legs, organic cucumbers for ribs, and organic celery sticks as for arms. Make the head with a round bowl with a organic yogurt dip and black beans for eyes. Take a look at this one in the picture made by The Kitchn.

Our kids loooove them! Not only does it taste yummy but also is a great laugh to feed the ghostly shaped bananas making “Boo” sounds while they fly into your babies little mouth!
Here is how: Peel an organic banana, dip it in organic orange juice and roll in shredded organic coconut flakes to give them the resemblance of small white ghosts by adding raisins or small chocolate chips as eyes. Insert a wooden craft stick for a handles and make the ghost bananas fly making funny noises such as “whooooowwhh and boooo”😊 In the picture you can see the ones made by Love Bakes Good Cakes.
Spooky watermelon
There are so many fun things you can do with a watermelon for Halloween, we almost like it as much as the traditional pumpkin, especially because they are way easier to peel!
One of our favorite things to do is to crave a funny face into our organic watermelon, and cut open the top bit (like you would see in a brain operation) and spoon out what resembles to be the watermelons brain... Yummy!

Orange Pumpkins
Oranges and mandarins are filled with vitamins and also make great Halloween decoration. Not only are both fruits super healthy, they also smell amazing when peeled. Peel the organic orange or mandarine and put a little celery stick to resemble the pumpkin stud.
At Organic Baby Food Shop we love Halloween that is why we will dedicate the entire month of October to share with you our favorite activities and traditions for children. We are also preparing something really special for you, so make sure you stay tuned to our newsletters and social media for our Halloween contest!