Babies & Yogurt: All You Need to Know

Once your little one has started trying solids, you may be wondering about the various kinds of foods you can offer them. While fresh, organic fruits and vegetables are always a good choice, today we are going to shed some light on another food idea that is full of nutrients: yogurt. Perhaps you have already introduced your baby to yogurt and are looking for additional ways to flavor it. On the flip side, maybe you have not tried this yet and have questions about introducing it for the first time. Either way, we are going to cover both scenarios, as well as answer common questions and offer up some flavoring options!


Nutritional Benefits of Yogurt

Yogurt is a healthy food option that provides a great source of protein, dairy and a healthy source of fat. It also contains probiotics, calcium and vitamin D, all of which serve a great deal of nutritional benefits such as strong bones, an immunity boost and encourages healthy gut functioning. If your little one has a sensitivity to dairy products, there are dairy free yogurt options as well. Additionally, while yogurt can be an allergen, recent research suggests that introducing yogurt can actually help to prevent common food allergies. 


Selecting The Right Kind of Yogurt

While there are a variety of yogurt options to choose from, plain organic whole yogurt is a great first pick. This type of yogurt is free of artificial dyes and coloring, it can easily be flavored with your little one's favorite food and it usually contains a low amount of naturally occuring sugars. When selecting yogurt to feed your baby, look for one that is made from 100% grass-fed cows. If your little one has a dairy sensitivity, yogurt made from coconut milk is a great alternative.


Commonly Asked Questions

Question: At what age can I introduce my baby to yogurt?

Answer: Typically, once your baby is able to sit up unsupported, this is a good time to introduce solids such as yogurt. This usually takes place around six months of age.


Question: Is there anything to be aware of when feeding your baby yogurt for the first time?

Answer: Yogurt can be an allergen, so it is important to monitor your little one for signs of a possible allergy. The key is to offer one small spoonful for the first introduction, then watch for any symptoms such as gas, a rash or congestion. If any of these kinds of symptoms arise following an introduction to yogurt, be sure to contact your baby's care provider. If you offer the spoonful and do not notice any possible reactions, then you can offer a bit more the next day and continue to do so moving forward, while being mindful of a possible reaction. 


Question: What if my little one does not like the taste of plain yogurt?

Answer: You can try flavoring the plain yogurt with a food that they already like! For example, if your baby likes bananas, try adding a bit of banana puree to the plain yogurt for some natural and familiar flavoring. 


Natural Ways to Flavor Your Baby's Yogurt

Here are a few more ideas for foods you could add to your little one's yogurt as a way to please their taste palate:

  • Breastmilk or organic European formula. This is a great way to thin out the consistency of yogurt if needed for a baby that is newly on solids. 
  • Organic fruits such as apples, blueberries or pears. Just puree them first and then stir them into the yogurt. 
  • Blend the yogurt with sweet potatoes or avocados for a creamy yet healthy option at mealtimes.
  • Add a tiny bit of peanut butter for a sweet treat that offers extra protein.


Learn More 

Are you interested in learning more about commonly asked questions when it comes to feeding your little one solid foods? Perhaps you would like to read about some easy homemade baby food recipes as well!

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