If you have children of your own, you’re well aware of how quickly expenses can add up to care for them. From the moment your pregnancy test read “positive,” the list of things to get for your little bundle of joy started — and it probably hasn’t stopped since. There are the essentials: diapers, wipes, clothing, a car seat, a place to sleep. And then there are LOTS of “nice to have” items, too — everything from seats that rock your baby by themselves to wipe warmers for more comfortable diaper changes!
Families that breastfeed their children don’t need to worry about the expense of buying food for their babies. However, for families who feed their babies formula, this is an additional cost to budget for. But how much does baby formula cost? Here, we’ll break down the average cost of baby formula for the first year of feeding your little one.
First, there’s the question of how much your baby will eat. This amount will change throughout the year. In the first days of life, babies usually eat around 21 ounces per day. This average spikes to 32 ounces from about two to six months of age. And by one year old, the average is back down to 25 ounces every day. (This drop is due to starting to eat solid food at around six months.) All in all, the average amount comes down to about 30 ounces a day for the year.
One 500-gram box of baby formula powder makes 128 fluid ounces of formula. If baby eats 30 ounces every day, this box will sustain them for 4.3 days. At that rate, baby will go through about 85 boxes for the year. The actual price of those 85 boxes will depend on which formula you choose for your little one, as baby formula prices vary by product. For example, our Lebenswert formulas (which come in 500-gram boxes) each cost $24.99 per box. This means you’ll spend $2,124.15 on formula for the year.
We also offer formula in 400-gram and 600-gram sizing for some products. Our line of Holle goat milk formula comes in 400-gram boxes. For Stages 1 and 2, at a cost of $27.99 per box, you’ll spend $2,994.93 for the year. Stage 3 gets a bit pricier and would cost $3,369.43 for the year. Keep in mind that over the course of the year, your baby will most likely progress through multiple stages of formula, which may mean a change in price.) Our HiPP Combiotic formulas come in 600-gram boxes. At $35.99 per box, you’ll spend $2,591.28 for the year.
As you can see, there is considerable variation in price, depending on the formula you choose to feed your baby. Yearly formula expenses may be as low as about $1,000 or as high has the $3,500 mark.
When considering which formula is right for you, take into account the product itself rather than just the price. With baby formulas, you truly get what you pay for. The formula available here at the Organic Baby Food Shop is the best in the world. All of our brands use the highest quality, organic ingredients to create a formula that will provide your baby with all they need to thrive. These ingredients are sourced from biodynamic farms that take into consideration the wellbeing of all involved: the animals, the earth, and the babies who enjoy the final product.
If you’ve found a formula here that you love, why not order it in bulk? You’ll save money and won’t have to worry about running out of food for your little one. We offer bulk rates here on our retail site, and even better deals here on our Wholesale site. Our prices are the best in the U.S.!
If you’re still unsure of which baby formula is best for your little one, feel free to reach out to us directly at info@organicbabyfood.shop. Or check out our reviews (located at the bottom of every product page) to hear the experiences of other real parents just like you.
Choosing (and paying for) baby formula can feel like a daunting task — but with us, you can be confident that you’re giving your baby the best formula available. We’d love to hear your formula experiences in the comments below.
Families that breastfeed their children don’t need to worry about the expense of buying food for their babies. However, for families who feed their babies formula, this is an additional cost to budget for. But how much does baby formula cost? Here, we’ll break down the average cost of baby formula for the first year of feeding your little one.
First, there’s the question of how much your baby will eat. This amount will change throughout the year. In the first days of life, babies usually eat around 21 ounces per day. This average spikes to 32 ounces from about two to six months of age. And by one year old, the average is back down to 25 ounces every day. (This drop is due to starting to eat solid food at around six months.) All in all, the average amount comes down to about 30 ounces a day for the year.
One 500-gram box of baby formula powder makes 128 fluid ounces of formula. If baby eats 30 ounces every day, this box will sustain them for 4.3 days. At that rate, baby will go through about 85 boxes for the year. The actual price of those 85 boxes will depend on which formula you choose for your little one, as baby formula prices vary by product. For example, our Lebenswert formulas (which come in 500-gram boxes) each cost $24.99 per box. This means you’ll spend $2,124.15 on formula for the year.
We also offer formula in 400-gram and 600-gram sizing for some products. Our line of Holle goat milk formula comes in 400-gram boxes. For Stages 1 and 2, at a cost of $27.99 per box, you’ll spend $2,994.93 for the year. Stage 3 gets a bit pricier and would cost $3,369.43 for the year. Keep in mind that over the course of the year, your baby will most likely progress through multiple stages of formula, which may mean a change in price.) Our HiPP Combiotic formulas come in 600-gram boxes. At $35.99 per box, you’ll spend $2,591.28 for the year.
As you can see, there is considerable variation in price, depending on the formula you choose to feed your baby. Yearly formula expenses may be as low as about $1,000 or as high has the $3,500 mark.
When considering which formula is right for you, take into account the product itself rather than just the price. With baby formulas, you truly get what you pay for. The formula available here at the Organic Baby Food Shop is the best in the world. All of our brands use the highest quality, organic ingredients to create a formula that will provide your baby with all they need to thrive. These ingredients are sourced from biodynamic farms that take into consideration the wellbeing of all involved: the animals, the earth, and the babies who enjoy the final product.
If you’ve found a formula here that you love, why not order it in bulk? You’ll save money and won’t have to worry about running out of food for your little one. We offer bulk rates here on our retail site, and even better deals here on our Wholesale site. Our prices are the best in the U.S.!
If you’re still unsure of which baby formula is best for your little one, feel free to reach out to us directly at info@organicbabyfood.shop. Or check out our reviews (located at the bottom of every product page) to hear the experiences of other real parents just like you.
Choosing (and paying for) baby formula can feel like a daunting task — but with us, you can be confident that you’re giving your baby the best formula available. We’d love to hear your formula experiences in the comments below.