How To Prepare For Pregnancy: Physically, Mentally & Emotionally

If you are ready to grow your family through the gift of pregnancy, there are some steps you can take to prepare your body for the remarkable journey of welcoming new life. Whether it is your first baby, second, third or beyond, ensuring you are ready to nourish the growth of a little one is essential. Here are a few key points to consider as you prepare physically, mentally & emotionally!

Focus On Nutrition

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is a great place to start on this journey. Aim to eat whole foods, with a variety of organic fruits and vegetables. Limiting consumption of processed foods is also helpful as it will leave room for calories from healthier food sources. Incorporating foods such as protein shakes and smoothies are a great way to get plenty of the nutrition you need as well. 

How to prepare for pregnancy

Vitamins Are Vital

In addition to eating a well-balanced diet, ensuring you are getting enough of the right kind of vitamins will help to support your body’s natural ability to nourish new life. Prenatal vitamins are specially made with all of the vitamins you need during this time. Additionally, these vitamins support everything from brain development to healthy growth for your little one. Folic Acid, Iron, Calcium & Vitamins A, B, C, D & E are all key ingredients to look for when selecting your prenatal. 

How to prepare for a healthy pregnancy

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of fluids will help to flush your body of toxins while supporting proper hydration. Aiming to drink enough water throughout the day, while limiting sodas and other unhealthy beverages can help you achieve your hydration goals. To spruce up plain water, try infusing fruit into it or sip on some coconut water. 

Focus On Lifestyle

When preparing for pregnancy, this is a great time to cut back on caffeine and remove all alcohol from your diet. Additionally, if you smoke, it is important to stop before conceiving. Move your body with regular exercise each day and aim to get enough sleep at night.

Pregnancy Preparation Guide

Prepare Mentally & Emotionally

Leading up to and during pregnancy, it is important that you are physically healthy in order to support both your body and your baby’s growing body. Taking time to ensure that you are mentally and emotionally healthy is just as important however. Pregnancy comes with a host of symptoms that can challenge a Mama in all of these ways. From working through difficult symptoms such as nausea, exhaustion, sleeplessness and growing pains, to wrapping your head around caring for a new life. Balancing all of the responsibilities that come with this new chapter in life can make the journey feel overwhelming at times. Now is a great time to get into the habit of journaling your feelings, taking time for a hobby you love, and growing your support system.


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In case you haven’t heard the news, our new website is live! It features a new look and exciting features, yet our commitment to offering the best organic baby formulas remains the same. Here are a few fresh features to enjoy:

  • A brand new logo & captivating product images
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  • Clear ingredient lists & nutrition facts
  • Step-by-step preparation guides
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