baby first christmas ideas

Baby's first Christmas ideas

December 07, 2018

Jingle bells, deck the halls, oh rest ye merry baby… yes it’s Christmas season! The sparkling lights are up around town, the shops are full with Christmas themed temptations, and for you, well it’s one of the most special Christmases ever because it is your baby’s first Christmas. Squeeeeeee!

Hold in the brimming joy, the bundling nerves, put a lid on the regular glitter and tinsel and take stock because having a baby at Christmas is a whole new ball game. Loud noises and lots of loud Christmas cheer? Mmnn, you could try to tone it down a bit so you don’t have a terrified wailing little one in your arms all day.

Expensive baby Christmas gifts and extravagant baby toys for christmas? Honestly, your baby will be more interested in the crinkly wrapping and packaging and being zoomed around in the cardboard boxes than the actual gifts at this point. Save your money because kids get really expensive later on!

But there are lots of baby's first Christmas ideas that you can try to make your baby’s first Christmas really special and memorable for you and your loved one.

christmas ideas

We had a little brainstorming session here at the Organic Baby Food Shop, thinking back on our baby’s first Christmas and what worked well and what we cherish, and what really bombed out with epic proportions.

  • Baby Christmas outfit… right? So many options and so adorable! Consider hiring a professional local photographer to do a Christmas themed photo shoot of your baby. It’s a memory you will cherish forever. Wrapped up, snuggly and warm in a snow setting with a soft throw. Sleeping next to Santa’s plate with cookies and milk strewn about recklessly. There are so many options to create a really special and unique memory for your baby Christmas picture ideas.
  • Baby's first Christmas ornament.. oh, that is a special one. In lots of families, there is a tradition that one special ornament is purchased every year and hung on the tree to celebrate another wonderous year of your baby’s life. Your first baby’s ornament can be anything that is relevant to you and your baby. A shiny bauble in their favorite color. One of our Aussie mom’s has a silver and black gilded thong (or flip flop, or sandal) that she hangs on the tree to celebrate a year of her child’s life. Yes… we know… very strange. But it’s something that is unique to her and her baby’s lives and that represents a part of their experience and growth.
  • Why not make a lovely Christmas card? There are so many baby Christmas card ideas. One of our favorites is if your baby has an older sibling, have them make your baby’s first Christmas card. Finger painting, potato painting, anything that is fun for your older sibling. Then you have a memory of both children in one card that is extra special. 
  • And why not end a big day with some lovely, calm, relaxing baby Christmas songs. Away in a Manger is a very soothing and relaxing song. Silent Night is a big favorite with us. Get the relatives together and ask them to gently croon your baby to sleep after a long, wonderful, exhausting day.

So our best advice for baby’s first Christmas is think about what is special to you? What will help make your day relaxed, peaceful and special. Don’t try to make everyone happy. And don’t try to do everything (like hosting Christmas lunch for the whole family at your house). Take it easy on yourself and your baby will benefit.

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